Immunotherapy, according to Meridee.

As those who follow my social media know, I have been able to access treatment in Sydney now. I am receiving an immunotherapy drug which I was unable to access in New Zealand. Since this cancer is very rare (only 1 in 1-2 million people will get it) there is no sure fire way to treat it. Researching a definitive way is a little challenging when there are very few people to test on. We've followed any protocols there were along the way and added in a whole lot of determination and amazing experts who are prepared to brainstorm together to find the best option at the time. Now there's no set route. Immunotherapy drugs are new in the scheme of cancer drugs and I'm a lab rat in lipstick when we're trying out what might work. All I know is that not doing anything has the most certain result. A result I am not keen on. So a giant thank you to all those who made donations for me to access treatment!!! There are not sufficient words to express how grateful I am. I was stunned...