It's a teary sort of day...

It's not just me who says that. The sky is indicating that might be the case too and I'm sure there are many others with a similar feeling today. This isn't a happy, positive post - don't worry, at least it's brief. Brief because it wasn't supposed to be my next topic but this morning it was crying out (literally) to be said, because it's a teary sort of day. Don't ask me why, I could list you some potential reasons but none of them are specific, it just is. And that's it, somedays it just is. My mum had two key quotes about crying. "If you play with the boys, you play by the boys' rules." Which meant I wasn't allowed to cry when I got hurt. I made no decision to play this round so I feel her other saying is more applicable. "Let it go. Let it out. Let it wash you from the inside out" (When I was allowed to cry). I was raised to be pretty tough so the emotion involved in the last year has been a real learning c...